Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Don’t trust the polls? Neither did The New York Times in 1956 (spoiler: it didn’t work out great)
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“It’s clear that the public’s lack of trust in journalism generally mirrors the public’s lack of trust in coronavirus journalism specifically.”
Across the United States, independent newsrooms are finding ways to share stories, ideas, tips, and knowledge about a virus that doesn’t limit itself to anyone’s audience boundaries.
It’s not just the real news media partisans think is rooting for the other team — it’s the fake news media too.
“Trust is the No. 1 value that these news organizations have.”
“What we saw was a tendency to accept almost all images at first glance, regardless of subject area.”
“Our solutions cannot be limited to asking these platforms to do a better job of meeting their civic obligations — we need to consider what technologies we want and need for digital media to have a productive role in democratic societies.”
“Media coverage contributes to an ecosystem that harms people and democracies, and we can’t ignore that context any longer.” Laura E. Davis
“A group of hackers and law-enforcement officials ran a simulation of what an Election Day cyberattack might look like. One of the hackers’ first moves? Hacking trusted news websites and social media accounts, allowing the bad guys to spread false narratives quickly.” John Keefe