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“[Labeling] was the major intervention that Facebook said it was going to do, and it hasn’t done it.”
The biggest news story of all time doesn’t quite fit our working definition of news, and hence is going remarkably undercovered.
“Like the high tides invading Miami Beach, the climate change story is leaking into the newsroom.” Andrew Freedman
This subtle form of misinformation, which scholars have called “fossil fuel solutionism,” involves cherry-picking data and talking points.
Data visualization can help people grasp the challenges that lie ahead.
The degree of interdisciplinary collaboration with the science desk is new, and it could prove a model for how news organizations cover the climate crisis.
What kind of awareness quotient are we looking for? What more about climate change does anyone need to know? What else is there to say?
“Those of us who cover the environment know that there are very many of us who are Black or Indigenous, or people of color, but the folks who get the byline at the big magazines, who get the cover stories on climate change are often white older dudes.”