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“The ‘Trump bump’ is already waning. The question now is: How many of those readers will remain loyal and enter their credit card info again once the sense of alarm that moved them in the first place dissipates?” María Sánchez Díez
“Does anyone seriously believe that fewer lies on Facebook, a monthly check from Google, or bigger quarterly profits for newspaper companies will in themselves resolve any of these issues?” Rasmus Kleis Nielsen
Plus: The New York Post works to destroy trust in journalism, and Public Media for All.
“I hope that the past five years have taught journalists that their role is to contribute to democracy’s fortification and to defend it when necessary.” Jonas Kaiser
“Canada has shown leadership in securing a future for journalism — but there is more that can be done.” Linda Solomon Wood
“In 2021, we have a chance to learn from a crisis we were largely unprepared to cover.” Patrick Butler
“When confronted by falsehood, we need to tell the truth, of course, but we need to focus on truths bigger than a fact check: truths about network dynamics, the history of polarization, and the formation of political identity.” Whitney Phillips
“All of the misinformation disseminated by elected leaders and alt-right news organizations will need to be purged from our consciousness.” Natalie Meade
The company saw “a projected loss of 900,000 euros in 2021, against only 1 million euros in revenue.”
As the election recedes, medical and climate misinformation move to the forefront.