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Also, the Times now reaches about half of American millennials.
And what about Trump’s hydroxychloroquine and bleach proclamations?
Now, expanding beyond its home base in southern Africa, Oxpeckers has been developing new tools to cover the illegal wildlife trade.
Plus what happens when climate facts get treated as climate opinions.
“It is Fauci’s profession of amazement that amazes me. As well-versed as he is in the science of the coronavirus, he’s overlooking the well-established science of ‘anti-science bias,’ or science denial.”
“People kept sharing these videos that were coming up and it was unambiguous what was going on. We weren’t looking at a stream of videos of violence erupting or clashes breaking out. We were looking at cops, attacking people.”
“People who are stars get away with murder.”
State law might be able to support the funding of local news the way it supports the funding of local libraries.