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At a time of almost constantly changing news, what are the obligations of journalists to make it clear that their information is provisional?
Audience numbers now look more like a standard busy news week than a global pandemic that’s captured the world’s attention. Coronavirus news fatigue has set in.
“Up till now, Slate has provided almost all of its written work for free. But going forward, we think the way we will truly thrive is by continuing to diversify our revenue — by asking readers like you to support us more directly.”
“The other thing that surprised us in the beginning was the extent to which people would sign up just to support our journalism,” not for a specific member benefit.
The newspaper hopes to broaden their audience for politics coverage with a thrice-weekly newsletter for readers who feel overwhelmed by the unending news cycle.
Plus: A new and more inclusive top-podcasts ranking, new funding for a premium-feed provider, and why album-specific podcasts are the hot new promotional tool for music.
Will Chatham Asset Management, the hedge fund set to gain control of the company, want to operate it after bankruptcy? Or will it look to cash out via merger as quickly as possible?
The hedge fund that will likely soon control America’s second-largest newspaper chain, Chatham Asset Management, is also majority owner of the National Enquirer and Canada’s largest newspaper chain. It is advancing its “fundamental thesis on late-stage media consolidation in North America.”
It’s not just the real news media partisans think is rooting for the other team — it’s the fake news media too.