Nieman Foundation at Harvard
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“Are the things we have always assumed to be true, true? Do the things we have always assumed to work, work? Have they ever, and for whom?” Whitney Phillips
“In day-to-day political reporting, the Times is hopelessly stuck in the past. Its proud allegiance to presenting ‘both sides’ in a time of political breakdown renders it a handmaiden to the degradation of truth.” Geneva Overholser
“Publications whose economic survival depends entirely on giving readers what they want may shy from giving them anything they might not want, or might not like.” Richard Tofel
“Forcing editors and publishers to think about how best to find reader support in order to access additional funds is encouraging thinking that should have started 10 years ago. Better late than ever.” Nicholas Jackson
“By changing news media’s core structures of ownership and control, we will finally let journalists be journalists.” Victor Pickard
“As we talk about converting users into subscribers, we need to embrace a similar (and possibly uncomfortable) conversion from news into information of value or need.” S. Mitra Kalita
“We’ll share more about the challenges we share — how to confront bad actors, how to bolster our businesses, and yes, how to fight and win battles on our own turf and our own terms.” Meredith Artley
“It’s not just a matter of semantics: The ways journalists decide what they cover — and how they think about the shape of that coverage — has an impact on the world.” Alice Antheaume
“Flood our screens with the truth and crowd out everything designed to distract us from it. You still get to decide what’s news. Don’t be in such a hurry to give up on your agency.” Zizi Papacharissi
“The decentralization of online discourse makes broad public knowledge more difficult, but the opportunity to educate interested readers in specific subjects is brighter than ever.” Margarita Noriega