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“Some subscribers would rather game than sift through the wreckage. Can you blame them?”
Want to know the true value of AI, NFTs, and other much-touted technologies? Ignore the news and look at the harsh judgment of the market.
“If someone’s already watching something on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, why would they set their DVRs for 1:30 a.m.?”
The AP’s NFT marketplace is still up; a “commemorative NFT” by Anja Niedringhaus, the German AP photojournalist who was killed in Afghanistan in 2014, is being resold for $1.5 million.
That “rapper” accused of billions in crypto fraud was also a Forbes contributor. Is it finally time to move past the contributor network? Joshua Benton
“[T]he way that food media was being presented to us, in prior years, was through a lens that was incredibly myopic, unimaginative, and formulaic.”
“The gravitational pull toward the grave remains rather ferocious. But what’s exciting is that there are many seeds being sown, watered, and tended to in the bottom loop — the emergent system.” Jennifer Brandel
“What Web 3.0 represents is an Internet where private digital property is finally realized. Safe and secure property rights are the basis of any thriving marketplace.” David Cohn
“The furniture industry seems able to invest in its future. Maybe we can, too?” Rasmus Kleis Nielsen
“If I was queen for a day, what I would honestly do is fire every journalism professor and hire adjuncts working in the field. That’s, like, my dream.”