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“In the words of your kind of people, the planet will have a very, very bad user experience.” Pia Frey
“As populist governments gain more power, multilateralism faces threats, and the message of isolationism gets stronger, journalists have an even greater role to play in explaining important international issues and encouraging conversation and debate.” Heba Aly
“The people who own, manage, and shape them might go — but social media are not going away anytime soon.” Francesco Zaffarano
“It’s about shifting from thinking about conversation mainly as a reaction or afterthought to making it more central to how we conceive of and tell stories.” Laura E. Davis
“Over the years, journalists have innovated narrowly, focusing on how stories look rather than what journalism can do.” Cory Bergman
“Next year will bring more problems, and with those problems a desire by news consumers for more solutions.” Alyssa Zeisler
“What we’re building is a journalism for journalists and we will ultimately feed ourselves to the gullet, becoming the harbingers of our own end.” Rebecca Lee Sanchez
“Putting Chartbeat and Google Analytics scripts on your site won’t get the job done anymore. In-house data scientists instrumenting the best conversion paths from user to subscriber will become as vital to the success of a newsroom as a metro reporter’s daily file from City Hall.” Tyler Fisher
“I think the end of 2018 is the top of the rollercoaster track. The descent, which we are not ready for, is going to involve a lot of screaming as we hurtle towards Brexit in 2019 and the 2020 U.S. elections.” j. Siguru Wahutu
“It’s not that journalists shouldn’t engage in fact-checking, nor is it that journalists should avoid presenting facts as verifiable and trustworthy claims about the world — it’s that they shouldn’t be so obnoxious about it.” Nikki Usher