Nieman Foundation at Harvard
The Puente News Collaborative expands to report on the entire U.S.–Mexico border
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Plus: NSA surveillance of WikiLeaks, a new net neutrality proposal, LinkedIn’s expanded platform, and the rest of the week’s news about the news.
“The thing that had the strongest connection to someone’s propensity to develop a habit and their propensity to give is sociability — that it gives people things to talk about.”
“It’s an incredible place to launch a local news outlet because people always want to know more about the world around them. It’s a town full of nerds.”
“We talk to a lot of towns where there is no newspaper anymore; there’s no community center anymore; the town store shut down. And this is kind of it.”
The Athletic intends to use its live coverage as a “shop window,” giving new readers a taste of what they might get if they subscribed.
Some findings from RISJ’s 2024 Digital News Report.
“If you’re doing it, do it properly. Don’t just add a few widgets, or overlay products and embeds, and call yourself accessible.”
Plus: News participation is declining, online and offline; making personal phone calls could help with digital-subscriber churn; and partly automated news videos seem to work with audiences.
As social platforms falter for news, a number of nonprofit outlets are rethinking distribution for impact and in-person engagement.