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“Voter suppression doesn’t have to overturn an election to have an impact.” Andrew Donohue
Flipping the Q&A into an A&Q: “Where are the interesting, unresolved, complex, nuanced questions?”
For the better part of this year, news organizations in the Climate Publishers Network have been republishing each other’s climate change stories in order to expand their coverage of the issue.
“I wanted to be able to package various stories in various ways that let them feel and look different from all the regular coverage you might see.”
“A lot of coverage goes straight for the ‘we are 100 percent doomed’ jugular.”
From defunding NPR and PBS to kicking reporters out of the White House, it’s an array of conservative priorities and Trumpian retreads.
The Associated Press now has content sharing partnerships with nine nonprofit newsrooms across 10 states. Sophie Culpepper
The studio, at the California Institution for Women, will bring more incarcerated women’s voices to the podcast — and kickstart an ambitious training program.