Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Local journalists try new methods to reach, serve, and build trust with audiences
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“If we really want to serve communities that are increasingly tuning us out, increasingly unsubscribing, increasingly looking the other way — my God, we’ve got to go to the communities directly.”
“They’ve never said, ‘We got that wrong.'”
“They are easier and cheaper to create than deepfake videos, and there are fewer contextual clues to detect with the naked eye.”
“Instead of giving a list of URLs that the user can access — which requires more work for the user — we can answer the question they asked.”
“We must accept that the beautifully written 10,000-word piece will only reach certain kinds of audiences — those most willing to sit at a desktop and take the time necessary to read it.” Sumi Aggarwal
“Rather than add to the list (although I do have a growing list), I thought I’d offer predictions devoid of AI.” David Cohn
“We find and fund these outlets by literally meeting audiences where they are — going into towns and neighborhoods and asking, ‘Where do you get your news and information, and who do you trust?'” Tracie Powell
“Platform-born news brands could prove better equipped than traditional organizations to leverage their relationships with online communities to build a more sustainable future for journalism.” Francesco Zaffarano
“The problem is not only the murders: Journalists suffer from non-lethal violence, threats, job insecurity, imprisonment, and being forced to live in exile.” Mael Vallejo
“Since 2015, I have dutifully penned these predictions and try to do so, year after year, with a sense of idealism and optimism. I feel neither right now.” S. Mitra Kalita