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The partner publishers include the nonprofit Texas Tribune and owner Automattic.
“For Google, that might be failure mode…but for us, that is success,” says the Post’s Vineet Khosla
“I’ve joked about Businessweek(ish); I don’t think that one was really considered.”
“Thank goodness that the mandate will never be to look what’s getting the most Twitter likes.”
Plus: News participation is declining, online and offline; making personal phone calls could help with digital-subscriber churn; and partly automated news videos seem to work with audiences.
“I see, every week, some example of where the two don’t understand each other. Each of them needs to shift a little bit.”
“We get requests from all over the world, and everyone says that their country is experiencing unprecedented levels of polarization or a breakdown in social cohesion.”
AI Spotlight Series
The Pulitzer Center is prioritizing reporters in the Global South, and all the sessions are free.