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“People will pay you to make their lives easier, even when it comes to telling them which burrito to eat.”
“If there are resources to be put to work, we must ask where those resources should come from, who should receive them, and on what basis they should be distributed.”
“Celestial events tend to draw highly engaged audiences, and this one is no exception.”
The cofounder of The Markup wants to expand beyond tech with her new publication.
The AI tool ignored basic instructions about sourcing and citations. But it’s a pretty good newsroom coding partner.
“If we really want to serve communities that are increasingly tuning us out, increasingly unsubscribing, increasingly looking the other way — my God, we’ve got to go to the communities directly.”
“I don’t believe a news organization must be doing something right because people on all sides are angry. But it’s also not a sign that a news organization must be doing something wrong.”