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“They’ve never said, ‘We got that wrong.'”
New research suggests people in the U.S. are, overall, good at identifying true political news headlines from fake ones — but there are some stark socioeconomic differences.
Roughly one-third of all digital reader revenue at The Guardian now comes from the United States.
Plus: How AI exacerbates the news industry’s reliance on Big Tech, how Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter led to “strategic disconnection,” and why journalism educators need to talk more about hostility.
“Rather than add to the list (although I do have a growing list), I thought I’d offer predictions devoid of AI.” David Cohn
“As much as it can feel like very little can be done, we all have agency to shape and define the futures we’d like to see.” AX Mina
“In the era of artificial intelligence, we need to invest in human intelligence, community, and compassion and unite forces to make journalism mentally healthier.” Mar Cabra
“We will learn that the less something looks like what we have now, the better chance it has of being the thing on the other side of death.” Mike Orren
“What was annoying then is exactly what we need now.” Marie Gilot
“The ‘AI’ that dominates our collective imagination differs significantly from the technology at our fingertips. For most of us, this imagined technology is based more on the fiction of the last decades than reality. Journalism’s task, then, should be to bridge that gap.” Jonas Kaiser