Nieman Foundation at Harvard
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“‘Informing democracy’ is not enough in an age of rampant lies about elections and public health and climate. Fact-checkers need to be more assertive in getting truthful information to the audience that needs it.” Bill Adair
“To do relevant work in a time when social change has made us irrelevant, when we are all caught in the feedback loop of self-image as worldview and worldview as self-image, we must create a space for new perspectives by radically questioning and challenging those views.” Rebecca Lee Sanchez
“Why does the public trust weathercasters — especially since a prevalent stereotype of them is that they’re always wrong?” Christoph Mergerson
“We need science journalists now more than ever, but with alarming frequency, legacy and digital-first publications alike are showing that they can’t provide these journalists with stability. So who will?” Michael Greshko
“Here’s to clearing our shared cache.” Linda Solomon Wood
“Digital transformation is more a cultural challenge than it is a tech challenge.” Alexandra Borchardt
“While you’re less at the whim of the algorithm, it’s still social media.”
“No single variable is more predictive of whether someone consistently avoids news than their level of interest in politics and civic affairs.”
She’s a billionaire, transforming the music industry in real time. Few living celebrities have her scale of cultural influence. Shouldn’t someone be, at least, attempting to look without fear or favor to see if she’s keeping her side of the street clean?
“I don’t want to make ‘positive news.’ At the same time, we have a real responsibility toward our young readers to not completely depress them.”