Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Readers prefer to click on a clear, simple headline — like this one
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Readers prefer to click on a clear, simple headline — like this one / “Headlines with more common words — simple words like ‘job’ instead of ‘occupation’ — shorter headlines, and those communicated in a narrative style, with more pronouns compared with prepositions, received more clicks.” / By David Markowitz
“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas / OkayNWA’s AI-generated news site is the future of local journalism and/or a glorified CMS. / By Andrew Deck
Does legacy news help or hurt in the fight against election misinformation? / Plus: One way local newspapers covered the pandemic well, how rational thinking can encourage misinformation, and what a Muslim journalistic value system looks like. / By Mark Coddington and Seth Lewis
Ear Hustle’s new audio space is just the first step in a bigger plan / The studio, at the California Institution for Women, will bring more incarcerated women’s voices to the podcast — and kickstart an ambitious training program. / By Neel Dhanesha
If you want Americans to pay attention to climate change, just call it climate change / Americans are more familiar with — and more concerned about — “climate change” and “global warming” than they are about “climate crisis,” “climate emergency,” or “climate justice,” according to a new survey. / By Wändi Bruine de Bruin
Repetition makes climate misinformation feel more true — even for those who back climate science / “As our social media feeds fill up with AI-driven bots, sheer repetition of lies may erode the most essential resource for action on climate change — public support.” / By Yangxueqing Mary Jiang
August 12, 2024

When is a news alert not a news alert?

No, that’s not a question from a blunted hippie who just read the I Ching and now speaks only in kōans. It’s a question about TikTok and other social apps that have leaned into sending push notifications that look like news alerts but actually derive from the user-generated muck.

The Financial Times has an interesting story out this morning that notes the vertical-video app’s tendency to send pushes that frame non-news as news:

TikTok has been sending inaccurate and misleading news-style alerts to users’ phones, including a false claim about Taylor Swift and a weeks-old disaster warning, intensifying fears about the spread of misinformation on the popular video-sharing platform. 

Among alerts seen by the Financial Times was a warning about a tsunami in Japan, labelled “BREAKING,” that was posted in late January, three weeks after an earthquake had struck.

Other notifications falsely stated that “Taylor Swift Cancelled All Tour Dates in What She Called ‘Racist Florida’” and highlighted a five-year “ban” for a US baseball player [Shohei Ohtani] that originated as an April Fool’s day prank.

The notifications, which sometimes contain summaries from user-generated posts, pop up on screen in the style of a news alert. Researchers say that format, adopted widely to boost engagement through personalized video recommendations, may make users less critical of the veracity of the content and open them up to misinformation.

These alerts are newsy in format but not in content; they are either culture-war agitprop or old stories unstuck in time. Many of these are perfectly accurate, of course, but they are nonetheless produced by someone other than journalists, leaving the door wide open for abuses. And given that their broadcast is governed by algorithms, measures of engagement are more likely to win out over measures of accuracy.

A reminder: News alerts are not nearly as common among the general population as phone-addicted journalists might imagine. As of 2021, only 24% of Americans surveyed said they had received even a single mobile news alert in the past week. (I’ve gotten more than that in the past five minutes.) While that was higher than in most other countries (e.g., U.K. 17%, Japan 13%, Finland 9%), it still means three-quarters of Americans carry an essentially news-alert-free phone in their pockets. So these platform-derived alerts may, for many, be the only ones they see. And, of course, many users will see the alert but not tap through, leaving the false info as the entirety of the message communicated.

TikTok removed the specific alerts the FT brought to their attention, but declined to get into how they managed to rise to the top of the algorithm in the first place.

The 51st aims to replace DCist with something totally new / “It’s an incredible place to launch a local news outlet because people always want to know more about the world around them. It’s a town full of nerds.” / By James Salanga
The Assembly aims to be a state-level, digital-first Atlantic Magazine for North Carolina / “I was fixated on trying to build a place that could pay good writers good money to spend more time than normal on big stories.” / By Sophie Culpepper
August 7, 2024

The New York Times now has 10.2 million digital-only subscribers, and 4.8 million of them are paying for some kind of Times bundle — the news product plus at least one of The Athletic, cooking, games, or Wirecutter — the company said in its second quarter earnings report Wednesday.

A few other bits from the earnings report, which saw The New York Times’ profit up 13.6% compared to this time last year:

  • The Times added 300,000 digital subscribers in the quarter.
  • Digital revenues are up 12.9% over this time last year, to $304.5 million, “due to an increase in bundle and multiproduct revenues and an increase in other single-product subscription revenues, partially offset by a decrease in news-only subscription revenues.”
  • The Times has spent a little less than $3 million this year on its ongoing lawsuit against OpenAI.
  • The Athletic, the sports site the Times acquired for $550 million in 2022, is still losing money, but it’s losing less than it was this time last year.