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Articles tagged 2016 election (25)

There’s good evidence that some people find predictive models like FiveThirtyEight’s confusing, and an argument that they might keep people from voting. But 2016’s scars shouldn’t mean that voters have to be kept in the dark.
Our analysis finds a 99 percent chance someone will still complain about it.
The “Iffy Quotient” has been downright steady leading up to tomorrow’s midterm elections, and Facebook deserves some credit for it.
About 13 percent of Americans don’t trust any news outlet at all. (They went 2-to-1 for Trump in 2016.)
The method was similar to the one Netflix uses to recommend movies — no crystal ball, but good enough to make an effective political tool.
The English edition of the three-year-old Russian news site now gets an average of 100,000 monthly unique visitors and can count among its readers everyone from European policymakers to members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.
“Your actions need to catch up to your responsibilities.”
Facebook naprawia błąd w oprogramowaniu (naprawdę!), oznaczanie fake newsów przynosi rezultaty, a politycy podejmą kampanię przeciwko Rosji.
“Fears of mass manipulation by new media are as old as mass media themselves. Almost every expansion of media or new media technology provoked paranoia about the contagious emotions of ‘the masses.'”