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Articles tagged Slate (87)

Instead of using stock photos or Creative Commons images, Pando, Hazlitt, Slate, Fusion, and The Guardian are betting on the value of using original art with their stories.
“That’s part of the strategy. Make the funnel as big as you can, make people really excited about supporting your content, and then you have a relationship to work with and follow up on.”
Executives from The New York Times, Slate, The Atlantic, Wired, Mashable, The Seattle Times, Vox Media, and Newsweek say native advertising continues to be a success. But many are still trying to find the right approach to mobile ads.
Slate Group vice chairman Dan Check discusses how Slate plans to speed up its site, how it’s thinking about ad blockers, and why it’s participating in platforms like Apple News.
BuzzFeed has figured out how to make content go viral. Can it figure out how to build community and reach younger audiences with podcasting?
Can podcasts maintain the intimacy of host-read ads while automating the advertising process?
Here’s how Fusion, Vox, Quartz, Slate, the AP, The Times of London, and Thought Catalog are using Slack for workflow — and which features they wish the platform would add.
For baby boomers, local TV is the top source for politics news. Millennials are getting it from their News Feeds.
Low financial risk and a desire for word-of-mouth sharing have led news sites to collaborate, sharing audience and infrastructure.