Nieman Foundation at Harvard
The Washington Post’s TikTok guy will publish a Post-produced news series on his personal channel
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Articles tagged Adam Ragusea (7)

Plus: More paywalled podcasts trickle into the open ecosystem, the speed-listening debate, and Adam Ragusea leaves The Pub.
Plus: a new model for audio native advertising (sponsor-produced episodes in an otherwise editorial show), ESPN goes cross-platform, and The New York Times enters the competitive politics podcast space.
“Here we have a public radio station that seems to not only fail to recognize who its natural friends are, but one that is lashing out at potential allies.”
One of public radio’s leading internal critics answers the question: What would he do if he were running NPR?
The shift to distributed content means concepts like fair use are increasingly in the hands of private companies — like SoundCloud.
Sure, your average college freshman isn’t ready for Page 1. But having them work together through collective reporting can make it easier to get good work in front of a real audience, this journalism professor argues.
April 22, 2011