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Articles tagged Argentina (11)

“The best reader is the one who reads you a lot.”
We talked to the Financial Times, La Nación, The New York Times, Vox, Chilango, the Times of India, and others about their early experiments sharing news on the world’s favorite messaging app.
“For me, social media is the purest way of doing service journalism.”
“One of our approaches here is thinking if we manage [to get] platforms and the companies to put attention into Spanish-language misinformation in the U.S., that is going to benefit our regions in the long term.”
“We have a role that is almost like an NGO. We build and open databases, break with the exclusivist paradigm — we even train competitors!”
The New York Times en Español is the Times’ latest attempt to grow its audience internationally.
“Si dejas a cinco chilenos en una sala, probablemente van a terminar peleando. Así que no sólo estamos construyendo herramientas, también estamos construyendo formas de trabajar juntos, de construir confianzas.”
“If you put five Chileans in a room, they’re probably going to fight each other. So one of the things — we’re not just building tools, we’re also building ways of working together, and making people trust each other.”
One of Argentina’s largest newspapers is creating and sharing databases with the public, while training its newsroom to dig deep into data.