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Articles tagged Axel Springer (38)

The company, based in the Netherlands, is trying to prove its model can work in a larger market. Investment capital in hand, its eyes are set on the United States.
The quest for one of the world’s top news brands ended with an unexpected winner today. Here’s why.
It depends on whether you think the brighter future for news lies in readers or advertisers paying the bills. But then again, an FT sale may involve as much ego as accounting.
Having a built a business model around targeting influentials, Politico is testing how many ways it can replicate it. Why aren’t other news companies learning its lessons?
The battle over snippets and links, fought country to country across the continent, is moving up to the continental level.
The Internet is supposed to be all about unbundling. But in the new digital economy, is there room for new, smarter rebundling?
Financial documents being shown to potential buyers raise questions about its future growth. Has Forbes peaked? And can it justify the high price it’s seeking?
These are the nine big themes that will further separate the winners from the losers when we look back a year from now.