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Articles tagged business model (436)

This is a golden age of American protest. It’s time to stand up and fight the vulture owners hollowing out local news.
“I think there’s a very viable long-term financial model for commercial media. But I don’t necessarily think that applies directly to journalism.”
West Coast news chaos, a new leader at WordPress, the decline of digital display — and is The Washington Post really profitable?
“In the past one or two years, I’ve been reminding colleagues that we are not a newspaper company — we are a media company. The frame of change of mind is very important.”
“The next time you are being told about yet another round of fundraising, whatever the increased on-paper valuation the company now claims, ask yourself before you hype that news: Why is putting additional money into a business that is clearly spending more than it is making, a sign of success? It’s called ‘burn’ rate for a reason.” Raju Narisetti
From “meltdown” to “roll-up” to (of course) “fake.”
A new study from the Reuters Institute examines the strengths and weaknesses of seven globally ambitious news companies — Brut, Business Insider, De Correspondent, HuffPost, Mashable, Quartz, and Vice.
First Sinclair and now the Kochs are back. In an age of media free-for-all and massive deregulation, will fact-based journalism become an endangered species?
Led by the cofounder of Square, Invisibly promises “four-figure CPMs” and a way to make big money off readers who won’t subscribe. It says it has most of the U.S. digital news industry on board. But is it just “an ad network dressed up as a savior for news sites”?
“To be a Times reporter is to be in some ways a raconteur, right? A lot of the journalists here are great, great storytellers at a bar…I think The Daily taps into that great oral tradition of journalists, enthusiastically talking about a story in a way they’re excited about, and it gets people excited about it.”