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Articles tagged Center for Civic Media (19)

The man who led Al Jazeera to global prominence will be speaking at the Media Lab Friday, both about the Arab Spring and the media ecosystem that surrounded it.
Meat pizza
Clay Johnson likens our fatty media diets to our love of cheap junk food. But he thinks there’s a market opening for higher-quality content.
A graduate student at the MIT Media Lab is writing software that can highlight false claims in articles, just like spell check. Andrew Phelps
Vending machine
Zuckerman wants to create nutritional labels for news, showing how much marshmallow fluff you mix in with your meat and potatoes. But both the tech and politics of categorizing journalism have a long way to go.
July 6, 2011
June 24, 2011
June 22, 2011
November 19, 2010
March 23, 2010