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Articles tagged collaboration (109)

“It appears in our paper, it’s going to appear in BuzzFeed, and vice versa.”
“In short, we came to think that the collaboration itself was something that needed editing.”
“There may be two partners who think they can’t work together, but really you could have a meeting or two and talk things out and resolve some questions — and then they actually could work together.”
“We’re really proud of our work at the Southern Illinoisan, but we have a flashlight, not a lighthouse.”
“Attitudes about newsroom collaboration are improving but it can feel like an uphill push sometimes.”
The Canadian startup OpenFile was a bet on collaboration between journalists and their audience: “We learned that we shouldn’t dismiss [a story] just because it’s not articulated in a way that we would as journalists.”
“For a soft power approach to disinformation to work, it is critical that all stakeholders do in fact work together…If it fails, cruder responses may be the only ones left. But let’s hope not.”
Chicago’s City Bureau is betting on local residents doing this sort of low-key not-quite-journalism at meetings, and now it’s expanding the model to Detroit.
“These commons — the air, the water, the soil, our food, our health — these are things we share, and they are deeply linked across countries. We need to start seeing them that way.”