Nieman Foundation at Harvard
How can we reach beyond the local news choir? Spotlight PA’s founding editor has ideas
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Articles tagged Dan Schultz (14)

“Why can’t we use the Cambridge Analytica [method] for good, to help people actually know good things?”
The database run by the Internet Archive is collecting ads in 20 markets across eight states.
A modular prototype aims to become a “Wolfram Alpha for government” by allowing developers to plug in their own APIs.
These are some of the projects and discussions that caught our attention at this year’s MIT-Knight conference.
The new project provides a real-time API for closed captions, making it possible to code against what’s being said on TV right now — and enabling a broad range of applications.
Kernels of corn spelling out "truth"
Matt Stempeck’s Gmail extension aims to automatically detect bogus claims and help guide you (or your hysterical relative) back to sanity.
X-ray Gogs
Dan Schultz’s BS-detection software really works, but there are a lot of technology issues — and people issues — getting in the way of a mainstream product.
Does the quest for balance in news stories open journalists up to claims of bias? It’s all about the framing. Jonathan Stray