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Articles tagged Democrats (12)

Partisanship, conspiratorial thinking, and IRL connections make for a potent mix — on both the left and the right.
“We also found systematic differences between the parties in the U.S., where Republican politicians were found to share untrustworthy websites more than nine times as often as Democratic politicians.”
Our research found that Democrats and Republicans held genuine but different beliefs, not just about values or policies, but about basic facts.
It’s not just the real news media partisans think is rooting for the other team — it’s the fake news media too.
“In the more compact Republican media ecosystem, one outlet towers above all others: Fox News. It would be hard to overstate its connection as a trusted go-to source of political news for Republicans.”
Plus: Hello “lifestyle misinformation,” hundreds of dead newspapers “revived” online to support Indian interests, and all of the fact-checking discussion you could possibly want.
Republicans are much more likely than Democrats to identify made-up news as a “very big problem.” They are also more likely to say that they see it “often,” and they are three times as likely as Democrats to blame journalists for creating it.