Nieman Foundation at Harvard
How can we reach beyond the local news choir? Spotlight PA’s founding editor has ideas
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Articles tagged distributed content (47)

“What you hear less about the truth is that it is expensive,” publisher Cory Haik wrote in her resignation letter.
“It was a huge revelation: If these kinds of stories, read by just a few thousand back then, could drive this kind of response, then imagine what we could achieve if we got to hundreds of thousands, then millions, of readers.”
Multiple versions of articles — with different headlines but also of different lengths and using different thumbnail art — are shown to visitors until a winning combination emerges after a couple of hours.
“[The] very difficult task is to figure out how we get people to think of us as a video destination, and that destination does not have to be”
Plataforma de blogs é aposta para promover debates.
Ideia é aumentar o número de leitoras.
“We wanted to reach an audience we’re not reaching as well as we could.”
NowThis’s success with its short newsy clips and distributed content ambitions gave it a model worth emulating. Now it’s looking beyond the format as it invests in longform video, investigative journalism, and other original content.
On the bright side, “nothing stimulates technological development like war.”