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Articles tagged Donald Trump (121)

It was the first time many Americans saw Rupert Murdoch using his news outlets to advance his interests — and a lesson in how a media mogul’s outside financial ties can taint the editorial product.
This election cycle showed that our evaluations of external reality are increasingly partisan. Can the media bridge the gap?
“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink…Journalists need to understand how distributing true and useful information out into the world can be its own rewarding service — no matter what happens next.”
Two poll workers sitting at a table shine a flashlight on a ballot
“We’ve learned, especially in the last few cycles, that it’s not necessarily possible or a good idea to let [the electoral] process play out in silence.”
Led by risk-averse corporate owners, dozens of the biggest U.S. newspapers have decided their editorials should express opinions on everything except who should be president.
“We are seeing a huge divide between people who are interested in news and those who are not, and I suspect that this divide is intensifying.”
Partisanship, conspiratorial thinking, and IRL connections make for a potent mix — on both the left and the right.
From defunding NPR and PBS to kicking reporters out of the White House, it’s an array of conservative priorities and Trumpian retreads.
“Elections, it seems, amplify the influence of partisanship on the perception of truth.”