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Articles tagged FT (50)

“It’s not experimentation that is most needed. It’s execution, and execution based on the value of smarter, rather than dumbed-down, local journalism.”
“What you don’t want is the brands to disappear in some kind of homogenized platform. It’s not just that we don’t want it — I think readers don’t want it. They feel the degree of loyalty.”
Social distribution and the open web generate huge numbers — but readers who use news organizations’ native smartphone apps are far more loyal and engaged. In today’s economics of news, those readers are paying more of the bills.
It depends on whether you think the brighter future for news lies in readers or advertisers paying the bills. But then again, an FT sale may involve as much ego as accounting.
“I define audience engagement as getting our journalism in front of more audiences and more of the right audiences.”
Whether they’d do it out of benevolence, fear of regulators, or the quest for a competitive advantage, Google could be of real service to the news industry and the broader cause of journalism. Here’s how.
The FT is a leader in crossing over from print — digital subscribers now make up 70 percent of its paying audience, a number that keeps growing.
News on digital platforms may feel like a revolution, but a lot of the underlying behaviors — by readers and by publishers — date back to an earlier era.
The Guardian has been a journalism leader. Can it build a business strategy that can match its growing global reach?
Financial documents being shown to potential buyers raise questions about its future growth. Has Forbes peaked? And can it justify the high price it’s seeking?