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Articles tagged Gannett (182)

Fake news percentages, numbers of working journalists, declining print ad revenue: 2016 in numbers.
Who, exactly, are the better plausible options to consolidate the newspaper industry? The real problem remains the business model, not the ownership.
Like Billy Penn in Philadelphia, the Pittsburgh site will focus on attracting a younger audience through events and aggregation in addition to original reporting.
Gannett owns two college newspapers in Florida — it’s closed one and cutting costs at the other.
“By following the lead of our employees to create content that is digital first, it frees them up from the sameness of format that is plaguing local television news.”
For all his talk of media reinvention, CEO Michael Ferro’s company is in the same position as lots of newspaper publishers: cutting costs to deal with accelerating print decline.
Its chief content officer: “My message has been, any journalist at any of our papers can come up with a great idea, something that we think is scalable, we will help them scale it.”
The North Carolina startup says it’s profitable and is looking to expand its reach — but it’s not seeking outside funding.
Buy a company, milk the cash flow, sell off assets, shut it down: It can be a profitable formula. Is this the end game for some metro newspapers?