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Articles tagged Gaza (12)

“By revealing the impact of these strikes, we were able to use footage released for one purpose to show a different perspective on the incidents.”
Awarded investigative stories are increasingly relying on machine learning, whether covering Chicago police negligence or Israeli weapons in Gaza
“There are commercial reasons why some newsrooms focus on the spectacle and confrontation — the old journalism adage of ‘if it bleeds, it leads’ still prevails in many newsroom decisions…But it is a decision that delegitimizes protest aims.”
“People experience war on a personal level, and our ability to communicate extraordinary stress on an individual human level is the goal of good war reporting.”
“I don’t believe a news organization must be doing something right because people on all sides are angry. But it’s also not a sign that a news organization must be doing something wrong.”
“We’re very conscious of trying to hold this large community of people who are really struggling.”