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Articles tagged generative AI (32)

That an AI model was trained on copyrighted material does not make all of the model’s outputs a copyright violation.
Swinging from an $80 billion valuation to an existential crisis, in less time than it takes to rewatch five seasons of “The Wire”? That’s Tronc-level management.
“So this can really give some incentives to both companies and artists just to work together on this thing, right? Rather than just a company taking everything from artists because they can.”
“OpenAI’s chatbot seems to favor sources in the language in which the conversation is conducted, and English seems to be the default. In terms of international news, this may mean that non-English-language news outlets are often underrepresented in answers about news stories in their countries.”
Generative AI systems act like “stochastic parrots,” using statistical models to guess word orders and pixel placements. That’s incompatible with a free press that commands its own words.
One new AP Stylebook entry cautions journalists to avoid “language that attributes human characteristics to these systems.”
Expect the biggest media companies to use their market power to cut better deals with OpenAI and its peers.
Results from a recent YouGov survey using the MIST suggest that younger Americans do a worse job than older Americans distinguishing real news from fake news.
“Is it ready for primetime, ready to be released to the masses? Absolutely not…But can it be done? Can you design an AI system that attends a city meeting and generates a story? Yeah, I did it.”