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Articles tagged headlines (20)

“Headlines with more common words — simple words like ‘job’ instead of ‘occupation’ — shorter headlines, and those communicated in a narrative style, with more pronouns compared with prepositions, received more clicks.”
New research suggests people in the U.S. are, overall, good at identifying true political news headlines from fake ones — but there are some stark socioeconomic differences.
This browser extension can help you undo one piece of the misinformation-related damage Musk has done to the newsiest of social platforms.
If you had to come up with a single move designed to deal a blow to whatever traffic is left and make sharing news more of a hassle, you couldn’t do much better than eliminating headlines from posts.
“The disconnect many young people feel may come from a lack of representation, which we show violates a fundamental aspect of how audiences — teens and adults — define what is news.”
A study of New York Times headlines about wars in Yemen and Ukraine reveals a bias in recording civilian harm.
“[T]he question is not whether the problem is real, but how research might quantify and describe its true prevalence, and how to address the problem.”
“‘Breakthrough’ is the one that leaps out to me because there so rarely is a breakthrough.”
“We found, surprisingly, that no single feature of a headline’s writing style makes much of a difference in forecasting success.”