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Articles tagged iPhone (126)

Embracing distributed content: “Sometimes we’re going to reach consumers on our own platforms, and sometimes we’re quite happy for that to be on other people’s platforms.”
From newspapers for sale to a new wave of paid content; from ad blockers to Watson; from article particles to cutting back on print.
“That’s what we can do, as a platform: be really responsive to what publishers want out of us.” Also coming up: A major move into international markets.
The Times wants to double its digital revenue by 2020. To accomplish that will require better serving of its best customers — and better conversion of occasional readers into Times addicts.
Pretty worried, it turns out! At least according to the CEO of the trade organization formerly known as the Online Publishers Association.
Publishers update their apps for iOS 9 and get ready for News.
There’s lots of news video being produced, and a lot of it isn’t reaching big-enough audiences. An open app platform will let digital news publishers play with the big guys.
The executive director of emerging news products at the Bezos-era Post has been at the forefront of shaping news presentation on mobile devices.
Think making money on mobile advertising is hard now? Think how much more difficult it will be with a significant share of your audience is blocking all your ads — all with a simple download from the App Store.
Apple’s new wearable may or may not be a big hit. But either way, it’s a harbinger of a new class of truly personal devices whose users will demand customized experiences. News companies aren’t ready to provide them.