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Articles tagged LaterPay (5)

“We knew the content had value. What we’re trying to emphasize with our customers is that the content has value — that it’s either subscribe-able or worth paying for.”
From “meltdown” to “roll-up” to (of course) “fake.”
Led by the cofounder of Square, Invisibly promises “four-figure CPMs” and a way to make big money off readers who won’t subscribe. It says it has most of the U.S. digital news industry on board. But is it just “an ad network dressed up as a savior for news sites”?
Will more than 2 percent of digital readers ever pay for news? “There is a whole universe living between ads and subscriptions.”
Read now, buy later: “We defer the time when you have to register and pay to a later stage, letting you convince yourself of the content, of the quality of the content, of the benefits that are offered to you.”