Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Local newsrooms are using AI to listen in on public meetings
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Articles tagged local news (340)

Chalkbeat and Midcoast Villager have already published stories with sources and leads pulled from AI transcriptions.
The nonprofit Newswell, based out of Arizona State University, already owns three local news sites in California: Stocktonia, Times of San Diego, and the Santa Barbara News-Press.
The Media Power Collaborative compares local news to public goods like safe roads and public education. Will excluding newspaper chains and hedge fund owners make public funding for local news any easier to achieve?
“We, as a field, need to be able to make coherent, persuasive, rigorous, and empirical arguments for why local news and information is critical to the health and safety of our communities.”
“Reducing the information density of teaser elements on paywalled articles and offering discounts may help newspapers increase their online subscriber numbers.”
“If policy is being crafted that impacts our members, I think it’s important that we are making efforts to help shape it to their benefit. The sausage-making is going to happen whether we choose to be a part of it or not.”
“We were trying to think, how do we balance these two things? How do we keep these people safe and tell their stories at the same time?”