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Articles tagged Mandy Jenkins (10)

“We’re ultimately trying to do this as small and nimble as possible so that we can be seeing what’s working and throw out what’s not — and quickly being able to shift in a way that’s a little bit harder when you’re working with a 150-year-old newspaper.”
“A lot of this is taking advantage of what Google has to offer as a partner. They’re tracking all of these interesting trends all the time: what people are looking for and what they’re missing.”
“Recognition of altruism as a motive for publishing (i.e. shedding a light on unknown/hidden information).”
“It’s going to be a while before we really have an understanding of how we work to combat it beyond the traditional methods that we have used for a few years now.”
The Open Brand Safety framework is an attempt to create a master list of fake news sites so advertisers can learn to avoid them.
It’s one element of a broader expansion for the social news agency, which is also growing its product team and working on improving its core trend-detection technology.
Google, Facebook, and Twitter are great. But they’re not everything. David Skok
January 10, 2011