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Articles tagged Medianews (21)

Everybody’s making moves this month. Together, they tell us about what news will look like in 2014.
If you can’t afford to create yesterday’s content on today’s budget, smart partnering can be around the problem.
If the Koch brothers do take over the Los Angeles Times, the impacts will reverberate across southern California. Here’s how it might work out.
As the controversial conservatives confirm their interest in some of America’s biggest newspapers, is their interest financial or political?
2013 could end up making 2012 seem calm by comparison.
As news companies look to the new year, here are some of the rates, percentages, and figures that will determine how they adjust to new digital realities.
The Slovakian startup’s model may not be a perfect fit for the United States, but all news publishers could learn from its ideas about scarcity.
MediaNews and Journal Register appear headed to marriage. How many other newspaper companies are ready to walk down the aisle? Ken Doctor
A California daily tries out badges and points as a way to incentivize good commenting behavior — and, eventually, more.
It’s not just newspaper employees who suffer when a newspaper dies, as is happening to MediaNews’ papers in the Bay Area. It’s a loss felt across the community.