Nieman Foundation at Harvard
The Washington Post’s TikTok guy will publish a Post-produced news series on his personal channel
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Articles tagged metered paywall (23)

“This tool and the functionalities we’ve structured into it are very much trying to…translate into journalese, into newsroom vernacular, all of the metrics of engagement.”
About 1,300 readers are paying 27 cents a story. “It’s going to take time for people to recognize that they can enter into this agreement with us to read now and pay later and willingly refund.”
Are you one of those who’s argued an “iTunes for news” model could rebuild newspapers’ business model? Look to Canada for a paper that’s going to give it a go.
“We could’ve cut our way out of existence in a very orderly way over the next 10 years. But strategically, we saw the need to invest in digital.”
How the web is playing out for local TV reporters, measuring customer satisfaction with paywalls, and how reporters think about comments: all that and more in this month’s roundup of the academic literature.
The newsweekly thinks it can be reborn in print as a premium product. But at $150 a year, can it provide enough value to bring back readers — no matter how nice the paper stock is?