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Articles tagged SOPA (10)

Guessing the location of tweets without geolocation, tracking who’ll pay for online news, and the conditions that encourage learning on Facebook: all that and more in this month’s roundup of the academic literature.
The impact of paywalls, seeing a city through Instagram, and old vs. new media in the Arab Spring: all that and more in this month’s roundup of the academic literature.
Plus: Postmortem analysis of the SOPA/PIPA fight, more discussion on truth vigilantes and iBooks, and the rest of the week’s big stories in journalism and tech.
Plus: ‘Truth vigilantes’ and the fact-checking movement, and the rest of the week’s big news and ideas in the media and tech worlds.
Plus: The generation gap behind the SOPA conflict, a rough couple of weeks for the New York Times, and the rest of must-reads in media news.
The forces that seek to control the free flow of information are bigger than ever, the blogging pioneer argues — and a direct threat to journalism and innovation. Dan Gillmor
Plus: Twitter’s redesign, the debate over how to legally define journalism, and all the rest of this week’s must-reads in media and tech.
Plus: The admirers and detractors of Facebook’s “frictionless sharing,” and the rest of the past two weeks’ most important stories and conversations.
Plus: Journalists arrested at Occupy Wall Street, more fallout over Romenesko and attribution, Amazon’s Kindle Fire release, and the rest of the week’s future-of-news reads.