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How can we reach beyond the local news choir? Spotlight PA’s founding editor has ideas
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Articles tagged Steve Lickteig (5)

Plus: The state of Slate, Podtrac wariness, and national/local podcast collaborations.
Plus: WBEZ tries to turn a podcast into a franchise, Science Friday joins WNYC Studios, and Gimlet opens up the HBO playbook.
Plus: GE comes back for another round of native podcast advertising, Radiotopia bets on a show made in prison, and Adobe is making it easy to create doctored audio.
Plus: Radiotopia finds expanding a donor base a different challenge than starting one, NPR refocuses for innovation, and The New York Times reaches its youngest audience ever with podcasts.
Plus: Midroll’s CEO steps down, Malcolm Gladwell goes audio, and how voice assistants (Siri, Alexa, Cortana) could impact NPR’s drive time programs.