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Articles tagged The New York Times (123)

“There’s no reason to think this shouldn’t work in most markets where subscription-based payment is already well advanced.”
“It’s a much better experience if you’re not turning your phone. And people don’t turn their phones.”
Awarded investigative stories are increasingly relying on machine learning, whether covering Chicago police negligence or Israeli weapons in Gaza
“I think the value of our paper is to tell researchers that you can use The New York Times, but you need to realize The New York Times is representative of itself.”
“Some of the finest journalism I’ve been associated with started out as an inkling.”
NYT Games editorial director Everdeen Mason on building a more diverse set of puzzle constructors and an “ecosystem” for solvers. “I don’t want people to just come in and play a game and leave.”
“Journalists go to some lengths to construct symbolic boundaries that allow them to incorporate metrics into their work while preserving their professional self-conception.”
Slides and cards are a good way to highlight the strongest part of a story, whether it’s a visual component or a tidbit that competitors don’t have.