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Articles tagged The Washington Post (50)

The news business hopes it won’t end up one sandwich short of a picnic as the new year’s big trends unfold.
The Post is betting on “the right stories for the right platform at the right time,” according to its new video director Micah Gelman.
The Post is looking to create a database of “supplements” — categorized pieces of text and graphics that help give context around complicated news topics — and add it as a contextual layer across lots of different Post stories.
Its newly launched redesign isn’t just about aesthetics — it’s a chance to look inside the business and strategic thinking at America’s business daily.
In October the Austin-based news nonprofit ended a collaboration with The New York Times. Now the Tribune and the Post will share stories and co-sponsor events.
There’s no easy fix for comments, which is why Knight’s spending $4 million on software they hope can fit any newsroom’s needs: “It should be a bunch of parts that you can assemble and reassemble.”
“If people don’t understand what brand journalism can be, I think it could go sideways and end up being derided as another ‘failed journalism experiment.’ I’m bound and determined to see that that doesn’t happen.”