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Articles tagged transparency (65)

“For a long time, ‘objectivity’ packaged together many important ideas about truth and trust. American journalism has disowned that brand without offering a replacement.”
CrowdTangle will close August 14. Meta has argued the tool was used to generate inaccurate and incomplete reports about Facebook.
“Reputation is trust. And transparency creates an exchange where trust can grow.” Sue Cross
Frustration over a lack of transparency has been amplified by the newsroom’s status as “the gold standard of nonprofit journalism” and a role model other outlets have been encouraged to follow.
Readers “have to see this again and again and again, I think, before you really make an impact.”
“We ask people every day to let us in at their worst moments. To give nothing of ourselves in return sometimes feels like denying that we’re [also] people in this equation.”
A study that seemed to claim they had was treated as “bad news for journalists: the public doesn’t share our values.” The reality is a few arbitrary research design decisions put a thumb on the scale.
Social platforms know transparency matters when it comes to political advertising, but they’re also able to control the terms of that transparency.
A “Behind the Story” explanation box attached to a news story sounds good in theory — but in practice, most people skip right over it.