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Articles tagged Trei Brundrett (10)

“The joke in the industry is everybody doesn’t like the CMS or they write in some other tool.” Vox Media aims to change that punchline for other publishers.
“The general question we presented everyone with was: What does it look like to build our brands and do storytelling on all of these new places?”
Social distribution and the open web generate huge numbers — but readers who use news organizations’ native smartphone apps are far more loyal and engaged. In today’s economics of news, those readers are paying more of the bills.
Here’s a look at some of the 24 projects that came out of this year’s Vax.
Developers, designers, and writers from across the Vox Media family are getting involved in building new storytelling tools for the tech site and plotting its next phase of growth.
More than 1,400 journalists, publishers, academics, and more are descending on Atlanta this week to talk shop.
The company cut its developers loose to build the next round of apps and tools to enhance SB Nation, The Verge, and Polygon.
Vox’s VP for product and technology talks about the importance of community, the value of long features, and the role of sponsored content.
Vox Media used responsive design to unify its more than 300 sports blogs and meet the demands of a growing mobile audience.