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Articles tagged Vivian Schiller (25)

Because Civil’s token sale flopped last month, a lot of its journalists haven’t been given the compensation they were led to expect. But even if it does eventually arrive, will it be worth…anything?
Can publishers find a sustainable business model this new age of Facebook/Apple/Snapchat/Twitter/Google distributed content? And is local news destined to be left behind?
Plus: The fallout of government surveillance, mugshot extortion, a Philly newspaper flap, and the rest of the week’s media and tech news.
If you can’t afford to create yesterday’s content on today’s budget, smart partnering can be around the problem.
NBC News’ first ever chief digital strategist reflects on her first year with the network. Adrienne LaFrance
The website formerly known as no longer promises to let users opt out of targeted advertising. Adrienne LaFrance
From Yahoo to Tribune to NBC News, you have to figure out what you are before you can figure out what you’ll become.
The site is less a companion to TV programming than a freestanding outlet, connected to the news operation rather than any one show. Justin Ellis
Gary Knell
“If we’re not doing the Wayne Gretzky thing, of skating to where the puck is going on the distribution side, where our audience wants to find our content, we’re going to be out of business.” Andrew Phelps