Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Here’s how 7 news audience directors are thinking about Google’s AI Overviews
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Today in the archives

Today in 2023

“The reason I have to have undercover voters is because social media sites won’t — and to some extent, can’t — tell you exactly what they’re recommending every single voter.”
Sophie Culpepper

Today in 2022

Until the news business adopts NFL-style revenue sharing — which, um, it won’t — the Packers are more of an exception than a useful metaphor.
Joshua Benton

Today in 2021

In the three weeks leading up to my kid’s first day of class, there were literally zero stories in the News & Observer about most back-to-school matters in Durham. There were tons of stories about mask fights and an escaped cobra.
John Zhu

Today in 2018

The newspaper tariffs are dead. How big a difference will that make to those whose businesses still depends on dead trees?
Ken Doctor
“Instead of reducing political polarization, our intervention increased it.”
Laura Hazard Owen

Today in 2017

“What we want to do is create the best possible place to support great content. How does the best media in the world work? In almost every case, the best media is supported by those who consume it.”
Laura Hazard Owen
“Imagine a newsroom where half of the room is analysts and half is reporters. You combine what each of them is so good at doing and deliver that every day to the reader.”
Laura Hazard Owen
“Imagine uma redação onde metade da sala é de analistas e a outra metade é de repórteres. Reúna o que cada um deles faz de melhor e entregue isso todos os dias para o leitor”.
Laura Hazard Owen
“Представьте себе редакцию, половина сотрудников которой – аналитики, а вторая половина – репортеры. Вы используете сильные стороны тех и других и ежедневно предоставляете результат читателям”.
Laura Hazard Owen
“Imagina una redacción donde la mitad sean analistas y la otra mitad periodistas. Combinas lo que cada uno de ellos sabe hacer mejor y se lo entregas día a día al lector”.
Laura Hazard Owen

Today in 2016

News is one of the device’s core features, and there are two main ways — so far — that outlets have utilized Alexa: The Flash Briefing and skills.
Joseph Lichterman
“It is meant as a resource for other journalists and a trove to explore for our many readers fascinated by original documents.”
Joshua Benton

Today in 2013

Missed mobile opportunities, measuring Craigslist’s impact, and bringing an open source philosophy to journalism : all that and more in this month’s roundup of the academic literature.
John Wihbey
Plus: The New York Times’ site is hacked, Al Jazeera America’s initial reviews, and the rest of the week’s journalism and tech news.
Mark Coddington
After having trouble finding journalists ready for graduate-level computer science, the university is trying to build a bridge to quantitative skills.
Adrienne LaFrance

Today in 2012

Do newspapers have a shot at stepping ahead of their broadcast rivals as web video evolves?
Ken Doctor

Today in 2011

Collaboration’s in the air in the run-up to next month’s anniversary.
Megan Garber
The Times Co.’s R&D Lab is betting breakfast will be less about sharing out newsprint and more about swiping through stories, ambient commerce, and the quantified self.
Megan Garber
A few new features to add onto last week’s redesign of — and a new Twitter account to follow.
Joshua Benton

Today in 2010