
An oral history of the epic collision between journalism and digital technology, 1980 to the present

A project of the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy


Julia Angwin

investigative journalist, ProPublica

Tim Armstrong


Marty Baron

executive editor, The Washington Post

John Battelle

CEO, Federated Media

Emily Bell

director, Columbia University’s Tow Center

Tim Berners-Lee

inventor of the World Wide Web

Krishna Bharat

creator, Google News

Henry Blodget

founder, Business Insider

David Bradley

chairman, Atlantic Media

Deborah Branscum

freelance journalist and consultant

Hiawatha Bray

technology columnist, Boston Globe

Merrill Brown

founding editor, MSNBC

Denise Caruso

senior research scholar, Carnegie Mellon University

Steve Case

cofounder, AOL

Clay Christensen

professor, Harvard Business School

Dick Costolo

CEO, Twitter

Chris Cox

head of product, Facebook

Gordon Crovitz

former publisher, Wall Street Journal; cofounder, Press+

Nick Denton

founder, Gawker Media

John Dvorak

columnist, PCMag.com and co-host of the NoAgenda podcast

Lewis DVorkin

chief product officer, Forbes Media

Esther Dyson

chairman, EDventure Holdings

Philip Elmer-Dewitt

technology columnist, Fortune.com

James Fallows

national correspondent, The Atlantic

Roger Fidler

former director of new media, Knight Ridder

Julius Genachowski

former chairman, Federal Communications Commission

Dan Gillmor

professor of practice, Arizona State University

Richard Gingras

head of news products, Google

Donald Graham

chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Co.

David Graves

former Yahoo and Reuters executive

Rob Grimshaw

managing director, FT.com

John Harris

editor-in-chief, Politico

Will Hearst

chairman, Hearst Corp.

Arianna Huffington

cofounder, The Huffington Post

Walter Isaacson

former chairman and CEO, CNN; former managing editor, Time

Jeff Jarvis

founder, Advance Interactive

Art Kern

former board member, Yahoo

Michael Kinsley

founder, Slate

Larry Kramer

founder, MarketWatch

Scott Kurnit

founder, About.com

Ted Leonsis

former AOL executive

Gerald M. Levin

former chairman and CEO, Time Warner

Steven Levy

editor-in-chief, Medium / Backchannel

Caroline Little

CEO, Newspaper Association of America

Om Malik

founder, GigaOM

John Markoff

technology reporter, The New York Times

Brock Meeks

executive editor, Atlantic Media Strategies

Betsy Morgan

former CEO, The Huffington Post

Mike Moritz

chairman, Sequoia Capital

Walt Mossberg

co-executive editor, Re/code

Harry Motro

former CEO, Infoseek; former head, CNN.com

Matt Mullenweg

creator, WordPress

Nicholas Negroponte

founder, MIT Media Lab

Steve Newhouse

chairman, Advance.Net

Martin Nisenholtz

former senior VP/digital operations, The New York Times Co.

Robert November

former VP, New York Times Information Bank

Jonah Peretti

founder, BuzzFeed

Mike Perlis

CEO, Forbes Media

David Pogue

vice-president, Yahoo Tech

Michelle Quinn

business columnist, San Jose Mercury News

Josh Quittner

editorial director, Flipboard

Evelyn Richards

former technology journalist, San Jose Mercury News and Washington Post

Ken Richieri

general counsel, The New York Times Co.

Tony Ridder

former chairman and CEO, Knight Ridder

Tom Rogers

former president, NBC Cable

Brent Schlender

co-author, “Becoming Steve Jobs”

Eric Schmidt

executive chairman, Google

Chris Schroeder

former CEO, Washingtonpost.­Newsweek Interactive

Doc Searls

coauthor, The Cluetrain Manifesto

Michael Sippey

former vice president for product, Twitter

Chloe Sladden

former head of media, Twitter

Justin Smith

former president, Atlantic Media

Martin Sorrell

CEO, WPP Group

Alan Spoon

former president, The Washington Post Co.

Andrew Sullivan

blogger; founder, The Dish

Arthur Sulzberger, Jr.

chairman, The New York Times Co.; publisher, The New York Times

Kara Swisher

co-executive editor, Re/code

Jim VandeHei

executive editor, Politico

Dave Winer

software developer and blogging pioneer

Scott Woelfel

cofounder and former editor-in-chief, CNN.com

Kathy Yates

former Knight Ridder executive